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Unpacking Fractions: Visual and Tactile Representations of Fractions

14 minutes 20 seconds

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Student sits at a table in a classroom. Below her is a blue banner that reads, “The Meanings and Representations of Fractions.”

In this program, Monica Neagoy uses multiple representations of fractions to help students develop good “fraction sense." Students work on seeing how fractions can be used to describe situations. They also estimate the effects of other mathematical operations on fractions and practice visualizing fractions on the number line. Part of the "Unpacking Fractions" series.

Media Details

Runtime: 14 minutes 20 seconds

Student sits at a table in a classroom. Below her is a blue banner that reads, “The Meanings and Representations of Fractions.”
Unpacking Fractions
Episode 1
14 minutes 20 seconds
Grade Level: PT/TT -
Two children sit at a table in a classroom. Below them is a blue banner that reads, “The Importance of the Unit.”
Unpacking Fractions
Episode 2
9 minutes 12 seconds
Grade Level: PT/TT -
Four students sit at a table holding small dry-erase boards. A girl points to an equation on her board that reads, “½ = 1 half.” Below them is a headline on a blue banner that reads, “Teaching the Concept of Equivalence, Not Just the Rule.”
Unpacking Fractions
Episode 3
14 minutes 11 seconds
Grade Level: PT/TT -
Children sit next to each other in rows of desks in a classroom. Below them is a headline on a blue banner that reads, “Comparing and Ordering Fractions Meaningfully.”
Unpacking Fractions
Episode 4
17 minutes 28 seconds
Grade Level: PT/TT -
Child sits at a desk in front of a teacher, answering a question. Below him is a headline on a blue banner that reads, “Letting Algorithms Emerge Naturally.”
Unpacking Fractions
Episode 5
16 minutes 33 seconds
Grade Level: PT/TT -