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How to Write a Research Paper for Kids: Researching (Episode 3)

3 minutes 40 seconds

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Text on image reads, "How to Write a Research Paper for Kids. Episode 3. Researching." To the left, a cartoon of a friendly woman. To the right, an oversized pencil with a green eraser and the logo, Teaching without Frills.

Writing a research paper requires students to build upon their knowledge of a subject by making a deliberate attempt to find out what experts know. Students must research their topic, and this episode offers tips on how to start the research process. Part of the "How to Write a Research Paper for Kids" series.

Media Details

Runtime: 3 minutes 40 seconds

Text on image reads, "How to Write a Research Paper for Kids. Episode 1. Brainstorming." To the left, a cartoon of a friendly woman. The the right, an oversized pencil with a green eraser and the logo, Teaching without Frills.
How to Write a Research Paper for Kids
Episode 1
1 minutes 35 seconds
Grade Level: 3 - 6
Text on image reads, "How to Write a Research Paper for Kids. Episode 3. Researching." To the left, a cartoon of a friendly woman. To the right, an oversized pencil with a green eraser and the logo, Teaching without Frills.
How to Write a Research Paper for Kids
Episode 3
3 minutes 40 seconds
Grade Level: 3 - 6
Text on image reads, "How to Write a Research Paper for Kids. Episode 2. Planning." To the left, a cartoon of a friendly woman. The the right, an oversized pencil with a green eraser and the logo, Teaching without Frills.
How to Write a Research Paper for Kids
Episode 2
2 minutes 21 seconds
Grade Level: 3 - 6
Text on image reads, "How to Write a Research Paper for Kids. Episode 4. Writing." To the left, a cartoon of a friendly woman. The the right, an oversized pencil with a green eraser and the logo, Teaching without Frills.
How to Write a Research Paper for Kids
Episode 4
3 minutes 32 seconds
Grade Level: 3 - 6
Text on image reads, "How to Write a Research Paper for Kids. Episode 5. Revising." To the left, a cartoon of a friendly woman. The the right, an oversized pencil with a green eraser and the logo, Teaching without Frills.
How to Write a Research Paper for Kids
Episode 5
3 minutes 49 seconds
Grade Level: 3 - 6