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Comparing the Lives of Native Peoples

23 minutes 36 seconds

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2 Native American men and 2 Native American children sit closely together inside a wood structure. Caption. Listening to stories told by the native elders.

Part of the "Exploring Our Past" series. Focuses on how the geography of the land affected and shaped the lives of native people. Dramatizes the life of Native American people, using reenactment footage, rare archival photos, and colorful maps. Explores, in depth, the Native People of the Pacific Northwest, the Eastern Woodlands, the Desert Southwest, and the Great Plains. Narrated by Joanne Shenandoah. Accessibility options on the DVD are: (1) expanded description, (2) English subtitles in a black box, (3) subtitled description.

Media Details

Runtime: 23 minutes 36 seconds

Closeup of a shiny brown bird-like mask with a red beak and dark eyes. Caption. They also carved elaborate masks made of wood for ceremonies.
Exploring Our Past
Episode 1
13 minutes 39 seconds
Grade Level: 4 - 10
Interior of hut with wood poles lashed together in a grid, forming the frame for the walls and ceiling. Caption. A long house was much like an apartment house.
Exploring Our Past
Episode 2
12 minutes 29 seconds
Grade Level: 4 - 10
Sepia-toned photo of a multi-level stone structure with stairs, walls, and chimneys. Caption. They could be built to stand up to seven stories high.
Exploring Our Past
Episode 3
12 minutes 27 seconds
Grade Level: 4 - 10
Sepia-toned closeup portrait of a senior Native American man wearing a headdress. Caption. They all survived off the herds of buffalo that roamed the land.
Exploring Our Past
Episode 4
12 minutes 52 seconds
Grade Level: 4 - 10
2 Native American men and 2 Native American children sit closely together inside a wood structure. Caption. Listening to stories told by the native elders.
Exploring Our Past
Episode 5
23 minutes 36 seconds
Grade Level: 4 - 10